Saturday, October 1, 2011

Food And Drink ? Weber Grills

Chances are that when you ?fire up the grill? you will be doing so in a Weber grill. This icon of the grilling world has been around since 1952 and has not changed its shape substantially from the original produced then. Why not you ask? This shape works better and most people will argue that you should not change a winning formula. The Weber grilling system has become an American Icon and when anyone mentions a grill out, chances are Weber will be there no matter where it takes place.

Why a Grill?

Grills have become a part of the American way ? we have a love affair with the grill with well over twenty well known main stream brands out there, not to mention the multitude of lesser known brands hitting our shores all of the time. Out of all of these grills available locally one stands head and shoulders above the competition, Weber. Weber sells more than fifty per cent of the grills purchased in the USA and one of the best things about this brand? Besides two of the base models, all of the grills are made in the USA in Illinois. These people are proud to be American and will remain American producers because of this fact.

What Weber Grill Should I be Using?

This is where it really gets interesting. There are many choices available to the individual and you are able to custom fit one of the many grills to your individual needs. The best Weber grill for you may be gas, it may be electric or even the good old charcoal grill. The list of available options is enormous and you would not be blamed for having to take some time to look over all of your alternatives. Heck, nobody will blame you for taking more than one;? many others before you have done so already! When it comes to your individual needs or preferences, Weber grills have the right option for you and your freedom to choose is guaranteed.

Is Barbequing a Healthy Way to Eat?

Very often you will hear that the traditional barbeque is unhealthy and that you should rather switch to an electric grill which will allow fat runoff, prevent charring and a host of other perceived advantages. The fact is that if meat is cooked incorrectly (following any cooking method applying direct heat), then you will have increased risk of heterocyclic amines (HCA) which are believed to cause cancer. Does this mean the BBQ is unhealthy? Definitely not! Tests have shown that grilling allows for fat run off and gives improved flavors and that it is not only true for meat. There are many different ways to grill vegetables to add to the Weber grill experience. In fact, the Food Safety Consortium project at Kansas State University discovered that adding herbs to your marinades reduce the formation of HCAs dramatically.

When Is the Best Time to Break Out the Weber and Start a Grill?

The fact is that grilling used to be something done only during the summer involving special occasions. More than half of Americans now say that they are cooking outdoors all year round. This means that the preconceived notion that grilling on your Weber can only be done a few months of the year can be thrown out of the window, and into the snow drift outside! With the many alternatives offered by Weber you can choose to grill come what may.

What Can I Grill?

The short answer is (wait for it?) anything. Well, just about anything. You can grill corn, carrots, onions, eggplant (or any other kind of vegetable), whole birds (turkey or chicken), rice and any kind of meat you wish including seafood. The list is endless and is limited only by your creativity.

Be a part of one of the great American pastimes. Get a Weber grill today and join your voice with their Executive Vice President Mike Kempster, ?We?re proud to be an American Company.?


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